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Choosing a sign for your business is an important marketing decision. Signs present your company’s products and services to the world and help draw in your target demographic. Whether you’re choosing among outdoor signs, interior signs, or are just looking for a sign company to help you start narrowing down your options, we’ve got some tips to help make the process easier.

When Should You Splurge for Color? 

Color signs are a great choice for many businesses and can help bring some life to your advertising. However, color signs are often more expensive than monochrome signs, especially if you are considering an LED sign. The key to this quandary is to ask yourself whether not your company’s product or service can be sold using pictures. For example, it makes more sense to use pictures to sell food than the services of an attorney. If your answer to this question is yes, and you are looking at purchasing an LED sign such as in an electronic message center, it’s likely that it will be worth it to splurge for color. If your answer is no, you can save by choosing a monochrome LED sign.

Is Bigger Always Better? 

There are several questions you should ask yourself before deciding on the size of your sign. The sign’s size will largely be determined by its location. If your sign will be in a roadside position, as many signs are, you’ll need to consider the traffic patterns of the road. For example, the road’s speed limit, number of lanes, and nearby stop signs or stop lights will play an important role in determining what size sign will safely grab the attention of drivers and passengers. Also, remember to check with your town’s sign ordinance, as it may limit the size of signage.

Choosing a sign is an investment for any company, and it’s important that it’s done correctly. If you’re looking for a sign company near Chicago, IL to help design and install your business signage, call Olympic Signs today at (630) 413-1198.

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