Signs Your Medical Building May Need

Medical buildings have extensive needs for both exterior signs and interior signs. Because so many people depend on these signs for information, they must have clean designs that are easy to read, but they should also convey your medical practice’s brand, whether you are an independent practice or part of a larger network. Here is a look at just some of the signage needs your medical building may have.
Exterior Signs
The first sign to consider is your monumental sign, which is the main sign that contains the name of your building or medical practice. The design of this sign should reflect your brand colors, where appropriate, and should communicate a sense of strength, wisdom, and security when patients look at it. For a pediatrics practice, the sign could incorporate child-friendly fonts and colors. Keep in mind that people looking at the sign will draw conclusions about the culture of your company and the services you provide. In addition to your monumental sign, your medical building may need signs for your entrance, parking, ambulance entrance, staff-only entrances, automatic doors, patient loading, and drop-off, and to indicate no-smoking areas. Depending on the size of your facility, you may also need additional traffic signs, such as yield signs and pedestrian crossing markers.
Interior Signs
Interior signs help your patients navigate the building. You may need signs for elevators, exits, and other directional signs, as well as a directory, to help patients locate their providers. Signs for laboratory and other diagnostic services, surgery, and waiting areas are also important. Any rooms that are off-limits to patients and visitors should be clearly marked. Signs the indicate restrooms, vending machines, and dining areas may also be helpful, depending on the set-up of your building.
Talk to Olympic Signs about your medical building and let our experienced experts guide you through choosing interior and outdoor signs that can work for you. We also provide sign installation and maintenance and can assist with outdoor sign licensing. For commercial signs in Chicago, call us today at 630-424-6100.